Forum for everyone - Room for encounters, always | Forum X Helsinki Pride
Finland's biggest human rights and cultural event, Helsinki Pride Week, which celebrates the rainbow community and equality is held again from 27 June to 3 July 2022.The theme of this years Pride Week is ''Encounters'' which aims to highlight the basic mission of Helsinki Pride: to enable people to meet and to support community through these encounters. We have met each other at Forum for over 70 years now and Forum is Helsinki Pride's proud partner in 2022!
In Forum, we flag for human rights and equality during Pride month and especially during Helsinki Pride week. Our goal is to increase equality and the visibilty of the rainbow community. We encourage to communality and encounters now when it's possible again.
Greetings and encounters in Forum
As a partner, we will harness Forum's media surfaces to forward the official message of Helsinki Pride and bring out the Pride greetings which we have collected in all colors of the rainbow. This year, greetings from the Pride community will be collected for our digital displays and social media via Instagram. Greetings will be published througout June and especially at the turn of June-July during the Pride week. During Pride Month our media surfaces are literally everyone's forum.
In 2022, Forum is Helsinki Pride's partner for the second year! We work as partner and at the same time we are also on a learning journey and ready to develop us and our environment to be more equal within our opportunities. At Citycenter we hope to provide a safe meeting place for everyone all year round. With Helsinki Pride Week in mind, we are located very close to Pride House, Kiasma.
Welcome to the center of Helsinki to dive into encounters and to be yourself in Forum!
Read more about Helsinki Pride: Pride.fi/en